You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.3. Sales - Invoice Creation > Managing Completed Invoices, Picking Slips and Quotes > Invoice Creation - File - Post Suspend
Invoice Creation - File - Post Suspend

Use this option to post an invoice as suspended for a customer who is presently on hold, or if you require payment from the customer before processing the order. When payment is received, you can load the suspended invoice for processing or process the suspended sales in a batch to the debtor (refer to "Sales - Post Suspended Invoices").


Technical Tip

This option is only enabled when:

To post an invoice as suspended:

  1. Process the invoice to completion stage.

Refer to "Sales - Invoice Creation" for the steps involved.

  1. Select FILE | POST SUSPEND.

Micronet displays the Invoice Total screen.


Technical Tip

Some of the fields on this screen may differ depending on how your system is configured and whether you are using any additional options including freight, minimum order surcharges, levies and discounts. User defined fees and charges are setup using the Miscellaneous Charges screen in your company configuration – see "Edit Company - Edit - Misc Charges". For example, the C/C Fee and Surcharge fields shown on the screen above are user defined miscellaneous charges.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Sub Total

Micronet displays the subtotal of all lines on the order, excluding additional amounts such as freight, levies, surcharges and GST.



Micronet displays any applicable freight charge from your Freight master file (refer to "Freight Master File"). You can change this or enter a freight charge if required.


C/C Fee, Surcharge

Micronet displays any user defined miscellaneous charges setup in your company configuration. In this example, you would enter the credit card fee that applies to this order, and any small order surcharge calculated, based on the total value of the order.

For more information on small order surcharges, refer to "Edit - Program - Small Order Surcharge".



Micronet displays the levy (if any) entered on the Invoice Header.


Inv Discount

Micronet displays the discount (if any) entered on the Invoice Header.


Inv Surcharge

Micronet displays the surcharge (if any) entered on the Invoice Header.


On Time Discount

Enter any on-time discount the customer will receive for paying the invoice within a specified period of time.



Micronet displays any Wine Equalisation Tax that applies to items on the order (liquor industry items only).


Duty and Excise

Micronet displays any duty or excise that applies to this order.


GST/Sales Tax

Micronet displays any GST or sales tax that applies to this order.


Invoice Total

Micronet displays the invoice total, taking into account all additional amounts entered on this screen.

  1. When you have finished, select the OK button.

Micronet suspends the invoice and redisplays the Invoice Creation screen.

When the customer is taken off hold or you receive payment for the invoice, you can recall the invoice and process it - refer to "Invoice Creation - File - Load - Load Suspended Invoice".